Hi! This is where I put my personal projects that may or may not be a work in progress. And may or may not be useful. To do:

- Color gradient generator (rip tektek)
- Video game shrines/fan listings (arcade)
- Reviews
- Articles to do: page on that weird telefang snake thing
- draw 'em all pokemon challenge
- adopts
- showcase (forgot what this means but it was in my notes)
- message in a bottle (think like space email)
- layout based on moon phases (again dont know what this means but it was in my notes)
- time travel themes
- visual novel format page
- "random encounter" fun page
- page for my customized video game characters
- plots (like neopets plots. arg type things)
- splash screen - got to figure out how to make it only show up once per user session
- figure out how to make a dropdown for the sidebar
- maybe get a custom url domain. someday.
- maybe like a site currency system...? to "spend" on fun stuff like adopts for your page? idk