Pokemon Shrine

pokemon is one of my favorite things in the whole wide world and something i grew up with, so it just stands to reason that i would have a page dedicated to it! i didn't get to play the games until generation 3, as i wasn't really aware nintendo consoles existed at the time, but i did watch the anime as a kid. my first pokemon game technically wasn't even a main game - it was pokemon channel for the gamecube, followed by pokemon colosseum, and i finally played a main game with pokemon emerald. despite generation 3 being my introduction to the games and my nostalgia being highest for it, it's actually not my favorite generation nor pokemon game - my favorite pokemon games are black & white. my favorite spinoff is pokemon mystery dungeon.
the mainline pokemon games i have played include: red, yellow, crystal, emerald, diamond, platinum, black, black 2, x, alpha sapphire, sun, let's go eevee, shield, brilliant diamond, legends arceus and violet. and if you were paying attention to this list, yes, this means i have not yet played leafgreen or firered OR heartgold or soulsilver as of this time of writing. i would really like to, it's just hard to get a hold of legitimate copies of older pokemon games.
spinoffs i have played include snap, puzzle league, puzzle challenge, tcg (game boy), colosseum, xd: gale of darkness, channel, rumble, rumble world, battle revolution, shuffle, detective pikachu, pmd blue rescue team, pmd explorers of time, pmd explorers of the sky, pmd gates to infinity, super mystery dungeon and the first pokemon ranger. i don't include most of the mobile games in this list because they fill a very different niche from console pokemon games, to me.
my favorite type is dark, my favorite region is unova as mentioned above and my favorite human characters are N, silver, gladion, hau, bede, allister, arven and kieran. i have many favorite pokemon but my most favorite of all is silvally, pictured to the right. i even choose "silvally" as my username anywhere that it is still available, not least because it's coincidentally similar to my actual name - silver (no relation to the trainer). other favorites of mine include reshiram, umbreon, vaporeon, giratina, fennekin, absol, poochyena, zorua, arcanine, suicune, keldeo... and many others! |
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